BUNT SIND SCHON DIE WÄLDER: 8 Amazing Kid's Books in German on Fall

Updated: Oct 14, 2021

Fall officially started! The leaves are still pretty green here in New York, but it is a matter of a few weeks and the foliage will be all colorful and I have seen a few kites up in the air already. Here are some great books - some silly, some educational - to read with your kids now.

Anne Möller


Ten leaves are left hanging on a willow, though only loosely. One gust of wind and they will be coming down, too. And indeed, the wind comes and they fly through the air, together with a surprised little beetle. Each one drops somewhere else... An inspiring book on the cycle of life and nature with beautiful illustrations!

3 years and up.

Siri Melchior


Rita is a confident little girl and Kroko, who lives in her bath tub, her best friend. It is autumn, time to go collect some chestnuts and so the two venture into the forrest. Rita makes sure Kroko doesn't eat poisonous mushrooms, doesn't catch a cold or get eaten by a wolf. But then they get lost. And it is Kroko who finds their way out...

A beautiful story about friendship, with cute drawings that while not overly ornate, offer lots to discover.

3 years and up.

Oliver Jeffers


Little Floyd's bright red kite gets stuck in a tree! He briefly pauses, then decides he can get it down by throwing something else at it - but the shoe gets stuck, too! As does the other, and everything else he tries. A super funny picture book by the award-winning author and illustrator Oliver Jeffers (You can read it as a book on perseverance, too. Or about failing..)

3 years and up.

Sam Usher


Flying a kite is the topic of this picture book as well: a grand father and his grand son wake up an early stormy morning. The perfect day for flying a kite. It takes them a while to find the kite, but when they do head outside, it rises high high up in the sky... and with the kite, up they go too, together with others! Or maybe not, it is just their fantasy running wild? When the storm comes blowing harder, they are back at home, where it is nice and cozy. And as the grandfather says: the best experiences are the ones shared.

4 years and up


Sebastian Meschenmoser


Herr Eichhorn is a squirrel, slightly forgetful, though not as bad as the hedgehog. One day he finds an amazingly big nut hiding. It is a breathtaking sight, but he is determined to hide it for the winter, at a really perfect spot. He keeps changing his mind what a truly good perfect spot is, when hedgehog shows up, covered in leaves and earth. Who did that to poor hedgehog?

An hilariously funny picture book with beautiful realistic illustrations in pencil and crayons.

3 -4 years and up

Rotraut Susanne Berner


The all time German classic on fall is this Wimmelbuch: it is a book without words, but with lots of stories and details to discover and a perfect way to tell your children all about fall and German fall traditions like Sankt Martin.

1 year and up

Kirsten Boie


If you are a fan of Astrid Lindgren's Bullerbue, Kirsten Boie's take on a group of friends and siblings of different ages in modern Germany is a must. This is a third volume (though you can read it without having read the others), is all about the end of summer and fall: plum picking, the beginning of the school year, little adventures, lantern walk and a birthday in November. Told from the perspective of a 8 year old girl, it is heads on the everyday life, joys and issues of kids.

6 years and up

Kirsten Boie


Somersby is were the quirky grandmother, Oma Inge, of Martha, Mikkel und Mat lives, Without TV, internet or cell phone reception. The three siblings are delighted to spend the fall break there, and celebrate the 70th birthday of their grandparent. There don't really care that the weather is grey and rainy. They make apple sauce and crafts with acorns, and go on adventures. But unfortunately there is a mean real estate guy who is using all tricks in the book, including illegal ones, to get to Oma Inge's property. Kirsten Boie captures the mood of fall and writes about first love, friendship, solidarity and being honest.

8 years and up
