ES WAR EINMAL... 4 beautifully illustrated fairy tales in German

Just as people have different approaches to parenting in general - may it be attached parenting or free-range... - there are different opinions on fairy tales for children. Bruno Bettelheim, the psychologist and children's expert, wrote the book "KINDER BRAUCHEN MÄRCHEN" in the 70ies (a review/ summary of his ideas in the newspaper DIE ZEIT can be found here) and some of today's children experts agree with him, that the magic appeals to children's fantasy and thinking, they are great to help kids handle fears and the stark distinction of good and evil is helpful for them. If you want to read more about it, check out this post in Others are worried that fairy tales are much too cruel for small children and the Montessori approach advocates for no fantasy in children's books and hence no fairy tales for small children. Nevertheless, ost children love fairy tales and they are a great pick if you are looking for something to read to children of different ages!

So here are some beautifully illustrated fairy tales.

As always, you can rent any of them with KinderBooks - just send us an email if you want them in one of your next shipments. And you will find more fairy tales at KinderBooks here,


Illustrations by Günther Jakobs

If you are looking for a great collection of fairy tales of the Gebrüder Grimm, Hans-Christian Andersen, Wilhelm Hauff and others, this is a good choice! It has many of the popular classics (and some lesser known ones, too), Some are just 2 pages long, other 10, generally they have quite a bit of text so they will appeal to children 4 years and older. The language is slightly modernized as are the pictures by Günther Jacobs.

Hans-Christian Andersen


Maja Dusikovska

This edition of the classic fairy tale's big forte are its beautiful illustrations that take up the entire page.- The text is short, so you can start reading this to your child as early as 2-3 years.


Illustrations by Keiko Kaichi

This award-winning edition of the classic DER WOLF UND DIE 7 GEISSLEIN has very fresh illustrations with some humour that appeals even to the very small children, maybe 2-3 years up. The text is short, too. My son loves this book.

Rotraud Susanne Berner


Most Germans know the acclaimed and award-winning illustrator Rotrad Susanne Berner for her Wimmelbücher and her series about the Bunny Karlchen Nickel. This books has 8 famous and not so famous fairy tales (Frau Holle, Jorinde & Joringel, Hans im Glück, Daumesdick Rotkäppchen, Froschkönig, Rapunzel and Hans mein Igel). There are cartoons - which makes this a great pick for children anywhere between 2-3 up to 10 years old. The smaller ones will love the illustrations (you might have to add a little story telling of your own), the older ones will appreciate the cartoon version and the sometimes modern and personal twist Rotraud Susanne Berner gives the fairy tales.
