TOOR! - 5 great soccer children's books in German
Just a few more days and the World Cup in Russia will start. If your children want to become fully immersed in soccer frenzy (or are die-hart soccer fans all year round), here are some of the best books for kids, in fiction and non-fiction.

Peter Nieländer
RUND UM DEN FUSSBALL - Wieso, Weshalb Warum
This is a solid introduction to all things soccer. It offers a wealth of information about the rules and everything else your child wants to know. Written in age- appropriate language and with lots of flaps.
4 years and up

Pablo Arlbo / R. N. Guridi
If you ever wondered if sheep play soccer, this funny picture book might have an answer. In this story at least they want to. But the match has hardly started and the ball is stuck in the tree. Soon thereafter a sheep is stuck as well. And if you have sheep, the wolf is probably not very far either... Hilarious slapstick for soccer fanatics and others not into the game at all.
4 years and up

Andreas Schlüter, Irene Margil
The 11 year old Pedro is a great player, but unfortunately nobody ever gets to see his skills. The coach keeps him on the bench every match, as he is a little younger than the others in his team. So Pedro decides to form his own team in Berlin-Wedding, a culturally diverse district. Soon Pedro and his friends, who calls themselves DIE HAIE (the sharks), want to resolve a power issue with some hunks that claim the field is theirs. A tournament is on. Will DIE HAIE defend their territory?
A book about soccer and diversity.
8 years and up

Andreas Venzke
Everybody knows Carlos knows how to play soccer. It is his passion and his big dream is to be a professional soccer player. But then suddenly he stops scoring, he misses the ball and all are amiss. What is going on? It only gets better when Carlos grandfather gives him a talisman: a shoe lace of the one and only Pele.
A book about confidence and sports.
8 years and up

Fabian Lenk
How did the German soccer team manage to beat the Hungarians in 1954? It was such an amazing feat it is called the miracle of Bern. To find out the Zeitdetektive travel back in time. It seems the Germans had some amazing new type of shoes. There were other factors as well... But some fairly fishy things are going on, burglaries, a menacing letter is thrown into a window...
Fabian Lenk masterfully combines historical facts and suspense.
8 years and up